- Why put the blame on me? It has nothing to do with me. 有我什么事,干吗怪我?
- Don't say it's my fault. Don't put the blame on me. 这可不能怨我,我是清白的。
- Why are you trying to put the blame on me? 你为什么总想把责任推到我身上呢?
- I'm afraid he will put the blame on me for this. 我担心他会把这事怪在我头上。
- You made mistakes yourself and now you put the blame on me. 你做错了, 倒转来怪我。
- Don't try and fasten the blame on me. 别想把过错推到我头上。
- They tried to put the blame on him. 他们力图将责任推在他身上。
- They put the blame for the failure on me. 他们把失败归咎于我。
- He tried to dump the blame on me. 他企图把责任推到我头上来。
- Why are you trying to place the blame on me? 你为什么竭力把责任强加于我?
- It's natural to recriminate against someone who has tried to put the blame on you. 对企图加罪于你的人进行反责,这是很正常的。
- She'll put the blame on us if it turns out badly. 如果结果不好,她会怪我们。
- You are trying to lay the blame on me. 你是在设法责备我。
- Don't try to pin the blame on me! 不要把过错推到我身上。
- Said you can put the blame on me 说你责怪我吧
- Sally is a buck- passer, she is always looking for someone else to put the blame on. 莎丽是一个爱推卸责任的人,她总是找机会把责任转嫁到别人身上。
- Everyone puts the blame on me. 人人都把罪责推在我身上。
- Don't try to pin the blame on me; I didn't do it! 别想把过错推在我身上,那不是我干的!
- You shouldn't put the blame on her for this matter. 这件事你不能归罪于她。